Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's not what you do

Bryan Kest says, "It's not what you do, it's how you do what you do."

There are so many different styles of yoga, ways of doing poses, and approaches to teaching. What if none of that matters?

I try to see my practice as a reflection of my mind. Like life, it is all being played out there. Mind is the cause and everything else is effect. If I can hang out peacefully in my mind what is going on really doesn't matter. It all works.

Niki Stewart, incredible yogini and triathlete, told me I needed to stop saying I hated to run---I was in a deep state of whining about it---and start using the mantra "I love to run." It worked. Next time out, I went from a misery inducing 2 miles to 3.1 with a smile on my face.

Whether I'm lifting weights, running, or doing asana---what matters is what is going on at the level of mind.

What is going on in your mind today?



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Crazies

If you are feeling nuts or experience everyone else's nuttiness this time of year, you sure aren't alone. It seems like things just get weirder and weirder as we move through the holidays. The colors of the season are red and green. The first chakra is red and has all the tribal and security issues activated. Getting those feelings into our heart center---the green---will allow us to keep it all in loving perspective.

My advice is to take time for your practice, time to breathe and time to be loving to yourself. The less you can judge other people, situations and yourself the more peace you can experience.



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Year's Day Practice

I'm scheduled to teach the Saturday Morning Yoga Class at the WRAC on January 1, 2011. Please make plans now to join me starting 2011 out right---on our hands and knees!



Monday, December 13, 2010


My son Luke will be in town next week and will be teaching with me at least on 20th and 22nd at the WRAC. That is Monday and Wednesday nights at 6:45.

Luke is doing his Phd at the University of Washington in Clinical Chemistry. Among other things he is a rock climber and commutes on his bike year round. He teaches a great yoga class---taught at CWU and the UofW. He'll hit your hamstrings and loosen up those hips for sure. I accuse him of channeling some hardcore old yogi. I'll warm you up and then turn it over to Luke and then, at the end, talk you through Savasana.

Check out Luke's article "The Naked truth about teaching yoga - Ass from Psoas."

Come practice at the WRAC. The first visit is free so take advantage if you're in town or new to the WRAC. You can also get a punch card which is an inexpensive way to take classes---it works out to $8 a class.

Letting go into the holidays.....Ommmmmm....



Monday, December 6, 2010


There was a cool story on NPR this morning called---Just Breathe: Body has a built-in stress reliever. View it at:

I love this quote from Esther Sternberg, researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health.

"The relaxation response is controlled by another set of nerves — the main nerve being the Vagus nerve. Think of a car throttling down the highway at 120 miles an hour. That's the stress response, and the Vagus nerve is the brake," says Sternberg. "When you are stressed, you have your foot on the gas, pedal to the floor. When you take slow, deep breaths, that is what is engaging the brake."

Registration is open at Wenatchee Valley College for Winter Quarter. Please spread the word and tell your friends to come try it.

In the meantime, take a breath, and as we head down toward the Solstice, do some Sun Salutations/Surya Namaskara!



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WRAC Open House

Come to the WRAC Open House this Saturday, December 4th from 12:30-2:30. We're demonstrating classes so you can get a free half hour each of Zumba, Cycling, Group Power, and a quick Power Yoga class (2-2:30). This would be a great way to get your practice/workout in with some really fun people. The WRAC is at 1913 Skyline Dr. in Wenatchee. The phone number is 509-662-3544.

We're on Winter Break for class at Wenatchee Valley College. Please spread the word to register now for Winter Quarter.

This week's yoga interval practice:

Keep Moving and Breathing!

Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Utkatasana flow---Chair Pose to standing. Inhale down. Exhale up. Do 10!
Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Chatturangas! Do 12--inhale up and exhale down.
Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Plank Position on your elbows. Hold it for a minute.
Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Yoga Burpees! Start standing. Flow over to Uttanasana. Jump back to Plank. Jump back to Uttanasana. Stand. Repeat 10 times.

You did it!

Now repeat the sequence again.



Monday, November 22, 2010

New Yoga Circuit

Yoga Circuit #2

I had to include the picture of Arnold in Utkatasana with a little weight on his back! Take a deep breath and here you go!

1. Warm up gently and then fold over in Uttanasana. Grab your elbows and feel the breath move in and out. Soften the knees a little and go a little lower. Establish your intention to breathe and stay moving through the entire sequence. When you’ve ready come on up and get started.
2. Start with 2 Surya Namaskara A’s or your favorite Sun Salutation.
3. Move right into an Utkatasana, Chair Pose, flow. With hands over head, biceps by ears, move into Utkatasana on the inhale and back up to standing on the exhale. Keep the breath and the movement flowing 10 times. Have your feet shoulder width apart and go deep in the squat. Let your rear go!
4. 2 Surya Namaskara A’s.
5. Chatturanga Dandasana (pushups) in a flow. 10 of them. Inhale up and exhale down.
6. 2 Surya Namaskara A’s
7. Navasana (Boat Pose) flow. Inhale in Navasana exhale Ardha Navasna ---lowering legs halfway and the lower back to the floor 10 times.
8. 2 more Surya Namaskara A’s
9. Banarasana Flow, Monkey Pose. From Adho Mukha Svanasana, Down Dog, lunge with the right foot to the outside of the right hand. Return the foot and lunge with the left foot to the outside of the left hand. Inhale on the lunge and exhale on the return. Do 10 on each side.
10. Repeat the entire sequence.
11. Finish out with Baddha Konasana, Butterfly Pose, Paschimottanasana, Forward Fold, Jathari Parivarttanasana, on your back twist.
12. Savasana!



Monday, November 15, 2010

Yoga Intervals? Yoga Circuit?

My weekend yoga practice included experimenting with doing yoga as a circuit or yoga intervals. Okay, for purists, it probably is more like Grape Nuts---neither yoga nor intervals or circuits. However, it was a challenging practice and fun. The key for me was trying to make it as aerobic and possible by keeping myself to one breath per movement and not holding any poses except for those noted. This was a practice about flowing and staying balanced. It definitely wasn’t about doing perfect poses. Have fun!

1. I warmed up for 5-10 minutes---for me that included jumping on my rebounder to get my blood flowing.

2. Then I did 1 Sun Salutation/Surya Namaskara A.

Starting with arms at sides, inhale arms overhead, exhale over to a Forward Fold. Inhale and glance up. Exhale move back to Plank (knees on or off the floor). Take an inhale and on the exhale lower yourself to the ground. From there, inhale to Cobra Pose. Exhale, do an optional Pushup and then finish in Down Dog. Take five breaths and then jump back to a Forward Fold. Inhale looking up and flattening your back. Exhale back to Forward Fold. Inhale come up to standing, arms overhead. Exhale bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your heart.

3. I took a breath and did a Surya Namaskara B---Surya Namaskara starting from Chair Pose with added Warrior 1's.

From standing inhale to Chair Pose and exhale over to a Forward Fold. Inhale and glance up. Exhale move back to Plank. Take an inhale and then on the exhale lower yourself to the ground. From there, inhale to Cobra Pose. Exhale, do an optional Pushup and move into Down Dog. Lunge with the right foot and inhale into Warrior 1. Exhale arms to the floor and take the right foot back. From Plank, exhale to the floor. Inhale to Cobra and then do the optional Pushup and go to Down Dog. From Down Dog lunge with the left foot. Inhale to Warrior 1. Exhale hands to the floor. From Plank lower down to the floor. Inhale Cobra. Exhale, Pushup and Down Dog. Take five breaths and then jump back to a Forward Fold. Inhale looking up and flattening your back. Exhale back to Forward Fold. Inhale come up to standing, arms overhead. Exhale bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your heart. Immediately repeat the sequence but take your left foot forward first into Warrior I.

4. Then I did a Vinyasa into Warrior 1, 2, Side Angle Pose, Triangle Pose, Twisting Triangle, Pyramid Pose, Warrior 3, and finally Standing Splits.

From a Forward fold, look up, move to Plank, lower down, Cobra, Pushup, Down Dog---lunge to Warrior 1, right foot forward. From Warrior 1 take a breath and move into Warrior 2. From Warrior 2 put your right hand on the floor next to your right foot, left hand in the air. Take a breath. Straighten your right leg and move into Triangle pose. Take a breath and switch arms going into Twisting Triangle. One breath later, put both hands on the ground or on your leg and drop your head. Next breath, lift your left leg up and extend your arms forward into Warrior 3. Exhale dropping your hands and head to the floor and then inhale while you lift your left leg to the ceiling---Standing Splits. Drop the left leg on an exhale. Glance up from Forward Fold on the inhale. Drop back down. Inhale and come to standing. Immediately repeat the sequence on the left side.

That was 1 round of the circuit. I repeated it 4 times and then I did legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karani) for 5 minutes.

Be great!



Friday, November 12, 2010

Yoga makes you feel good

Check out this article at Science Daily.

I apologize for making you cut and paste to get there but I'm using Safari. One of these days I'll switch over to Firefox.

The study found that yoga has a greater positive effect on mood and anxiety level than other forms of exercise. You already knew that but nice to have it verified. It seems that yoga increases the level of GABA in the thalamus. The authors suggest that yoga stimulates specific brain areas, thereby giving rise to changes in neurotransmitters such as GABA.


Have a great weekend!



Monday, November 8, 2010

Vegan Dinner and Movie

Hey, there were two great vegan articles last week. A cheese conspiracy and now Power Vegans! Yes, I guess you can put the word power in front of anything.

I also saw Hereafter---Clint Eastwood's new movie. I liked it a lot. I think he dealt with the after life seriously but didn't hit his audience over the head. I almost bought some Dots to eat (I'm told they are vegan) but thought better of it. Nothing worse than a junk food vegan spouting off about the after life?

Tonight's class is about hips! We'll for sure spend some time in Banarasana after the Sun Salutations. Then do some Standing Pigeon and on the floor do what I call the Big Three---Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyandrasana, and Agnistambhasana.

Blue skies and sunshine today! I'm going to get out and salute the sun!



Monday, November 1, 2010

Dia de los meurtos

Tomorrow is Dia de los Meurtos---Day of the Dead!

How about a long stint in Savasana--Corpse Pose to mark the day.

You deserve it. Lie down, sink into the floor, feel totally supported by momma earth, and as always, breathe and let go.



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You have to check this out!

Larry Sherman went from 538 lbs to 185 through his yoga practice. Wow!

Take a deep breath and read the remarkable story here:



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eat Your Vegetables!

Okay---I'm still at it. Vegan for about three weeks now. I feel good with lots of energy. Here is a list of books I've been reading for you to take a look at.

THE ENGINE 2 DIET by Rip Esseltyne--- The faux meat loaf recipe was incredible!
EAT TO LIVE by Joel Fuhrman--- Eat a pound of raw veggies and a pound cooked a day.
SKINNY BASTARD by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin---eat your veggies and laugh.
THE CHINA STUDY by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell---all the research you'll need or want to change your diet

Grab a bag of spinach, pick a nice restorative asana, and do some reading.



Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just thinking about letting go and the idea of Vairagya, non-attachment.

I had a dream where I'm at the airport. My car is loaded full with people and baggage yet I'm at the carousel pulling more suitcases off as fast as I can. Finally, I look down at the huge pile of baggage around me and notice that the tags identify them as not belonging to me.

Seems my unconscious thinks I should be noticing when I'm taking on other people's stuff and not dealing with my own.

Whose baggage are you carrying? Take a breath and set it down.



Monday, September 20, 2010

Clinton goes Vegan

Check it out! Bill Clinton has gone vegan and dropped 20 pounds! I'm vegetarian but getting closer to vegan everyday---I'm now working at cutting out dairy products.

If you haven't read the book BLUE ZONES by Dan Buettner you should give it a look.

The new skinny Bill might think about doing a few Surya Namaskaras and chaturangas!

You can read the story about Bill at



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stuff you already know

A Boston University School of Medicine professor of psychiatry and neurology scanned the brains of yoga practitioners and found that compared with the age-old stress reliever, walking, yoga appears to be accompanied by greater improvement in mood, decreases in anxiety and boosts in GABA levels associated with these benefits.

Yoga is good for your brain! Check the article out here:

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra 1.2 "yoga chitta vritti nirodha"---Yoga is for the calming of the fluctuations of the mind.


17 people showed up for outside class last night. It was a beautiful night with incredible, beautiful people.

Have a wonderful weekend!



Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Okay, I'm hooked on my foam roller. It is an amazing tool to work through muscle tension and get overnight relief. I bought mine at Target for about $20. Give it a try. It comes with instructions but if you're having trouble figuring it out, let me know.

The other thing I'm becoming more and more aware of is my water intake. I notice an immediate difference in my joint and muscle stiffness when I'm adequately hydrated. I know everyone's water needs are different but I think we are universally not getting enough. Experiment! Aim for 8 glasses a day and see if it makes a difference in how you feel.

It is the end of August! Wow!

The WRAC is in maintenance week, so tomorrow's class will be held outside. Dress warmer than usual.

Registration is open for Fall Quarter at the Wenatchee Valley College. I'll see you on September 21, 2010!



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

End of Summer Quarter at WVC

August 24 is the last class for the Summer Quarter at WVC. You can go to their website and sign up for Fall Quarter now!

Last week both classes were held outside. It was incredible. Balance takes on a whole new meaning standing on uneven ground. What a great lesson! It is easy to work on balance when things are stable and the same. When they are uneven and fluctuating it gets a little harder. Hopefully your breath and the intention to practice are constant.

I take a weight-lifting class from Tammi Flynn, who, after having three kids, took third in bodybuilding nationals and one of many things I've learned from her is that if you do the same thing you get the same results. You need to challenge yourself to grow!

I was out-of-town and took a Bikram class. Oddly you do the same poses in every class but the heat is so overwhelming. Let's just say, I was challenged by the change in temperature.

What could you do today to change things up and increase your growth?

Enjoy the rest of the summer!



Monday, July 12, 2010


Power Yoga at the WRAC will be outside tonight and every Monday and Wednesday nights the rest of the summer unless it rains! Grab a mat and get outside. Class starts at 6:45 pm.

Head stand/Sirsasana on the grass!




Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Yoga

At class last night, someone made a comment about how summer yoga was different. She is so right.

On the mat we can explore how our body is different today. I am pretty sensitive to temperature changes, especially being cold. Moving from indoor air conditioning to outdoor heat is a reminder of that.

My own practice seems more aggressive and experimental in the summer. With more opportunities to hike and bike, I'm finding my hip flexors are tighter than ever! At the WRAC we are continuing to warm up with 5 Surya Namaskara A's and 5 B's. I like how strong that feels but caution everyone about strain to wrists and shoulders.

I love to practice outside and am so grateful to do Surya Namaskaras under the sun!

I'm working on Astavakrasana after watching my youngest son and my daughter-in-law (both yoga teachers) doing the pose in an impromptu late night yoga pose smack down!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Class starts next week

Classes start at Wenatchee Valley College next Tuesday, June 29. Power Yoga is at 5:30 and the gentle, Yoga For Backs class starts at 6:30.

Practicing yoga with a group of wonderful, supportive people in the summer---does it get any better than that?

If you are worried about the Power Yoga class being too much---although you should always do less than you can---come and try it before you register.

To register, go to and click on Continuing Education. The classes are under the category, Health and Wellness.



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10,000 Hours

In Gladwell's book, OUTLIERS, a common theme is the "10,000 hour rule" based on a study by Anders Ericsson. Basically it says if you want to be really good at something it takes a lot of time---like practicing it for 10,000 hours.

I find that comforting. I'm not an expert at yoga but I'm putting in my time and one day will reach that 10,000 hour day. What is important to me is the consistency of practicing---just keep going.

This morning I was in Virasana, hero pose, and it hurt like crazy. The voice inside my head was telling me I was ridiculous for putting myself through this torture. Luckily, the part of me that patiently watches was just observing my rant and also a subtle change in comfort in the pose. There was the yoga!

Keep practicing!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Where did May go?

The month of May is going, going, gone and I'm letting it go!

There are two more weeks of classes at Wenatchee Valley College on Tuesday nights. If you know someone that wants to come try it out, please tell them they are welcome to join in the fun. Power at 5:30 and Back at 6:30.

There will be no class Monday night at the WRAC, Memorial Day. We played around with the prep poses for Eka Pada Sirsasana last Wednesday. That was humbling!

I'm recommending the herb Tumeric/Curcumin to everyone. It is one of the spices in curry and is an amazing anti-inflammatory. Do a simple search of either term and be prepared to be amazed.

I hope everyone has a great three day weekend! If there is a break in the weather, do some Surya Namaskaras outside!



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So Hum

SO HUM---Say it just like it is spelled---SO HUM. Now breathe in and silently say SO. On the exhale, silently say HUM. Close your eyes and keep going. You are using the mantra SO HUM to concentrate on your breath. This is basic meditation.

If you want, find a comfortable seated position with your feet flat on the floor. If your mind wanders, come back to your inspiration, your exhale and SO HUM. Start with 5 minutes and work your way up to 20-30.

SO can be translated as "I am" and HUM can be translated as "That". SO HUM can mean, "I am That"---that breathing through us all.



Friday, April 16, 2010

Chaturanga Dandasana Variation

Craig Ballantyne of Turbulence Training calls this move Spiderman Push-ups. We're going to call it FUN!

Start in Plank position and then lower yourself down to 2 inches off the floor in Chaturanga Dandasana---keep those elbows in tight. Lift your left leg, bend your knee turning it out slightly, and then draw it up toward your left elbow. As you push yourself back up to plank, return your left foot back to its original position. Repeat with the right leg.

Now do it again...and again.

Keep breathing!

Here is a video link:



Thursday, April 15, 2010


If you don't already have a copy of MEDITATIONS FROM THE MAT by Rolf Gates get it. It is wonderful way to start your day. He takes you through the Yamas and Niyamas using practical applications. He also covers a lot of other territory. I find it really valuable to help me set my intention for the day. It is available on Amazon.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I was asked what music I was using last week in class. I used, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE OHM and THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE OHM 2. Both titles are available on Amazon.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

DVD Recommendation

When people ask me for a DVD for home practice, Eoin Finn's PURE AND SIMPLE YOGA is the first thing out of my mouth. It is a great practice and Eoin is a wonderful teacher. His cues are clear and his enthusiasm and love of his own practice is evident. It is available on for $22.



Friday, April 9, 2010

Short, deep, chair pose sequence

I found this sequence on YouTube when I was searching for new ways to work with releasing the piriformis muscle. The piriformis is that hard to reach muscle deep in the butt that, among other things, rotates the leg outward.

A lot of you know that the squat is sometimes referred to as the king of all exercises in bodybuilding. Squatting deep and heavy is an amazing experience. It is an instantaneous way to increase your feelings of personal power! This sequence gives you that experience using Utkatasana, Fierce Pose/Chair Pose and Malasana.

Start by taking a wider stance in Tadasana. Go to the edges of your mat and turn your toes out slightly. Watch your breath for a moment. Make Peace Fingers with both hands and with soft knees, bend over and grab your big toes going into Padagusthasana. Drop your head, relax your neck and release the muscles up through the backs of your legs. Breath into and feel the length and any tightness in the exterior hip flexors. Now, start bending your knees letting your butt go and lower into Malasana, or a deep squat. Feel the point where your exterior hip flexors grab and then breathe in deep and consciously let them relax on the exhale. Let your butt drop even more toward your heels. You can relax your hips even more and feel your lower back broaden and open up. Feel the power in the connection of your feet to Mother Earth. When you are ready, lift your arms to the sky, biceps by your ears, and on an inhale, push through your heels into a standing position. Wow!

Here is the link to YouTube if you want to watch the original. I would suggest trying it really slow a couple of times before you pick up the tempo!



Friday, March 26, 2010

Luke's Pod Cast


Here is the location of my son Luke's pod cast practice:

He also invites you to join his "be happy yoga" Facebook group for additional practices with stick figures.

Go to:

Om Shanti,


Yoga Podcast

Some of you asked me to recommend a yoga pod cast. Eoin Finn has some that are really great and FREE!

Go to



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Practice #1

Here is a practice to keep you ready for WVC Class starting April 6

1. Take a breath---actually 5 of them of the 3 part variety
2. Surya Namaskara A---aim for 5 today.
3. Malasana---squat down with elbows inside your knees and hands in prayer----BREATHE!
4. Surya Namaskara B---2!
5. Uttanasana (bend over with interlaced fingers behind your back) and feel your shoulders open and the backs of your legs release.
6. Standing upright, raise your arms, and do a sweet little Back Bend
7. Half bow---Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana---grab the outside of your right foot with your right hand and lift. Left hand is straight up and then forward.
8. Warrior I, Warrior II, Trikonasana (triangle pose) , Parivritta Trikonasana (twisting triangle pose)
9. Come to standing and do a Vinyasa
10. Baddha Konasana--bound angle pose
11. Paschimottonasana---straight leg on the floor pose
12. Udhava Prasarita Padasana---leg raises---as many as you want!
13. Bridge---Setu Bandhasana
14. Lying Twist
15. Savasana



WVC Spring Quarter Power Yoga Class

If you haven't registered for the Spring Quarter Power Yoga class at WVC---now is the time!

Go to:

Class starts on Tuesday, April 6!



Monday, March 22, 2010

The Five Tibetan Rites

If you aren’t familiar with the Five Tibetan Rites, try them out. It is a great daily yoga practice that only takes 10-15 minutes. My caution would be to always do less than you can! Start out slow.

Some people call these movements "Kriyas"---translated as "actions". Call them what you want but give them a try.

Check out this webpage for pictures and instructions.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Winter to Spring

Winter Quarter is over at WVC. Spring classes start up again on April 6. Keep practicing until then. I'll post workouts the next few days to give you some ideas for your own practice.

For now---do 5 Surya Namaskara A's and then 2 Surya Namaskara B's and breathe DEEP!



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weekend Classes

The Wenatchee WRAC is looking at adding yoga classes to their weekend schedule!

It looks like the Saturday class will be at 9:30 AM and have rotating teachers. This will be a wonderful chance to experience everyone's style and temperature! KC is also looking into doing a Sunday evening class. What a fantastic way to end the weekend and start the week.

I will be letting everyone know when we start and making sure you get a free pass to try at least one class.

Whatever the question, more yoga is the answer!



Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bring A Friend!

We're almost at mid-term for classes at Wenatchee Valley College. The test this quarter is very, very easy because if you are breathing, you are doing class perfectly!

However, I do want to remind you that it is perfectly okay to bring a friend or family member to class so they can try it out. We'll encourage them to do "less than they can" and just enjoy the company of an exceptional group of people.

Power Yoga is at 5:30 pm and the Back Class is at 6:30. Both are scheduled for the Campus Theater.



Monday, February 1, 2010

Is it hot in here or just you?

I'm experimenting with raising the temperature in my Power Yoga classes at the WRAC. It is a slow rise. Usually we're at 85 degrees by the end of class. Last week the Monday class went to 88 degrees and the Wednesday class went to 90. We were doing Hanumanasana (frontal splits) both nights so it made sense.

It felt great and everyone seemed so relaxed by the time we hit the floor in Savasana. Come see what you think.



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy 2010!

Winter Quarter class starts tonight at Wenatchee Valley College! It will be great to see everyone. If you know someone on the edge of trying the class have them come and try it out before they sign up. As of this morning, there were still places in both the Vinyasa Power Yoga Class and the Back Yoga Class. We'll do Surya Namaskaras---Sun Salutations---until it is suddenly Spring!

