Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012, Yoga, Strength, Bodies, Criticism

I'm looking ahead to this new year and setting my intentions. They include getting stronger and working on my balance. I know some people might criticize my practice because it is so physical. I breathe it in, let it go, and do more Chatturangas.

The two main books for yoga are Pantajali's Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita. In my mind the Sutras are the interior road map and the Gita is about applying the internal to the physical level---taking action.

The union of who we are as spiritual and physical beings is where I think things get fun. Maybe there is no better way of realizing that union than embracing your life completely as it is right now and that takes not only a deep spiritual connection but incredible physical strength and endurance.

Here is another truth---yoga does not cure all physical ills. However, it can give us the skills to face and endure our challenges with less fear. The level of pain I see in the people in my classes and the courage they bring in working with that pain, totally inspires me. I pray for the strength and courage to be fully there with them as we struggle together to become fully alive.



Thursday, December 1, 2011


If you aren't hydrating right now, here is more reason to go get a glass of plain water.

It seems that drinking 2 glasses of water before every meal will increase your fat loss by 44%. The more water you drink, the more fat you burn and the thriftier your body becomes with its proteins.

Look at the research here:

So raise your glass!

