Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just thinking about letting go and the idea of Vairagya, non-attachment.

I had a dream where I'm at the airport. My car is loaded full with people and baggage yet I'm at the carousel pulling more suitcases off as fast as I can. Finally, I look down at the huge pile of baggage around me and notice that the tags identify them as not belonging to me.

Seems my unconscious thinks I should be noticing when I'm taking on other people's stuff and not dealing with my own.

Whose baggage are you carrying? Take a breath and set it down.



Monday, September 20, 2010

Clinton goes Vegan

Check it out! Bill Clinton has gone vegan and dropped 20 pounds! I'm vegetarian but getting closer to vegan everyday---I'm now working at cutting out dairy products.

If you haven't read the book BLUE ZONES by Dan Buettner you should give it a look.

The new skinny Bill might think about doing a few Surya Namaskaras and chaturangas!

You can read the story about Bill at



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stuff you already know

A Boston University School of Medicine professor of psychiatry and neurology scanned the brains of yoga practitioners and found that compared with the age-old stress reliever, walking, yoga appears to be accompanied by greater improvement in mood, decreases in anxiety and boosts in GABA levels associated with these benefits.

Yoga is good for your brain! Check the article out here:

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra 1.2 "yoga chitta vritti nirodha"---Yoga is for the calming of the fluctuations of the mind.


17 people showed up for outside class last night. It was a beautiful night with incredible, beautiful people.

Have a wonderful weekend!

