Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's not what you do

Bryan Kest says, "It's not what you do, it's how you do what you do."

There are so many different styles of yoga, ways of doing poses, and approaches to teaching. What if none of that matters?

I try to see my practice as a reflection of my mind. Like life, it is all being played out there. Mind is the cause and everything else is effect. If I can hang out peacefully in my mind what is going on really doesn't matter. It all works.

Niki Stewart, incredible yogini and triathlete, told me I needed to stop saying I hated to run---I was in a deep state of whining about it---and start using the mantra "I love to run." It worked. Next time out, I went from a misery inducing 2 miles to 3.1 with a smile on my face.

Whether I'm lifting weights, running, or doing asana---what matters is what is going on at the level of mind.

What is going on in your mind today?



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Crazies

If you are feeling nuts or experience everyone else's nuttiness this time of year, you sure aren't alone. It seems like things just get weirder and weirder as we move through the holidays. The colors of the season are red and green. The first chakra is red and has all the tribal and security issues activated. Getting those feelings into our heart center---the green---will allow us to keep it all in loving perspective.

My advice is to take time for your practice, time to breathe and time to be loving to yourself. The less you can judge other people, situations and yourself the more peace you can experience.



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Year's Day Practice

I'm scheduled to teach the Saturday Morning Yoga Class at the WRAC on January 1, 2011. Please make plans now to join me starting 2011 out right---on our hands and knees!



Monday, December 13, 2010


My son Luke will be in town next week and will be teaching with me at least on 20th and 22nd at the WRAC. That is Monday and Wednesday nights at 6:45.

Luke is doing his Phd at the University of Washington in Clinical Chemistry. Among other things he is a rock climber and commutes on his bike year round. He teaches a great yoga class---taught at CWU and the UofW. He'll hit your hamstrings and loosen up those hips for sure. I accuse him of channeling some hardcore old yogi. I'll warm you up and then turn it over to Luke and then, at the end, talk you through Savasana.

Check out Luke's article "The Naked truth about teaching yoga - Ass from Psoas."

Come practice at the WRAC. The first visit is free so take advantage if you're in town or new to the WRAC. You can also get a punch card which is an inexpensive way to take classes---it works out to $8 a class.

Letting go into the holidays.....Ommmmmm....



Monday, December 6, 2010


There was a cool story on NPR this morning called---Just Breathe: Body has a built-in stress reliever. View it at:

I love this quote from Esther Sternberg, researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health.

"The relaxation response is controlled by another set of nerves — the main nerve being the Vagus nerve. Think of a car throttling down the highway at 120 miles an hour. That's the stress response, and the Vagus nerve is the brake," says Sternberg. "When you are stressed, you have your foot on the gas, pedal to the floor. When you take slow, deep breaths, that is what is engaging the brake."

Registration is open at Wenatchee Valley College for Winter Quarter. Please spread the word and tell your friends to come try it.

In the meantime, take a breath, and as we head down toward the Solstice, do some Sun Salutations/Surya Namaskara!



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WRAC Open House

Come to the WRAC Open House this Saturday, December 4th from 12:30-2:30. We're demonstrating classes so you can get a free half hour each of Zumba, Cycling, Group Power, and a quick Power Yoga class (2-2:30). This would be a great way to get your practice/workout in with some really fun people. The WRAC is at 1913 Skyline Dr. in Wenatchee. The phone number is 509-662-3544.

We're on Winter Break for class at Wenatchee Valley College. Please spread the word to register now for Winter Quarter.

This week's yoga interval practice:

Keep Moving and Breathing!

Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Utkatasana flow---Chair Pose to standing. Inhale down. Exhale up. Do 10!
Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Chatturangas! Do 12--inhale up and exhale down.
Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Plank Position on your elbows. Hold it for a minute.
Surya Namaskara A 1-2
Yoga Burpees! Start standing. Flow over to Uttanasana. Jump back to Plank. Jump back to Uttanasana. Stand. Repeat 10 times.

You did it!

Now repeat the sequence again.

