Sunday, January 1, 2023

I’m back

Yup, I’m back.  I thought blogging might be dead but I’m not, so blogging on.

I still have Congestive Heart Failure, HFpEF, with the complications of Hypertension, Chronic Kidney Disease, Diabetes 2, Osteoarthritis, a totally messed up shoulder, and blah, blah, blah.  I’m still alive!

I’m also still teaching yoga and do my own daily practice in the morning. (I also do cardio and lift weights.)

I’m really into Dr. Loren Fishman for yoga guidance and will talk more about him later.  If you want to jump in, he has multiple books on Amazon and numerous videos on YouTube.  He is into doing what works.

If you haven’t tried Ho’opnopono you need to explore it.  For me, it is like the Ganesha mantra for removing obstacles but in English.   “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.  I love you.” Just start silently chanting these 4 statements and see what unfolds. Do it while you are holding yoga poses.   Don’t worry about how or why, just keep chanting.

