Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Scale

So our group, Yoga and Weight Loss, starts this coming Tuesday!  What do we do about the scale?  Remember that we aren't doing weekly group weigh-ins.

We all know the problems with the scale---good days when you are losing and not-so-good when you aren't.  The worse thing is that you can be losing and the last thing to notice is the scale!   You and your clothes notice it.   Your friends and family notice it.   Yet, the damn scale shows a weight gain of .5 ounces!  Maddening to say the least.

Eventually the scale catches up to what is going on but the time lag can be a killer.

We have the option to just put the scale aside for awhile, focus on our yoga practice, meditation (short),  eating "less than we can", and trusting the process.

We will lose weight.



Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The "D" Word!

In our four week long Yoga and Weight Loss Group Training we aren't even going to mention the word "diet."   You pick your food plan.   We will reinforce each other that continuity is the key and that means going heavy on planning.  We will plan to succeed!

However, we are going to diet in one area.   We are going to go on a "guilt free diet."   I will be suggesting that if eating something makes you feel guilty that you stop eating it for four weeks.   We feel critical about ourselves way too much.   If we can observe and avoid the cycle of guilt and shame over specific foods for even four weeks we will give ourselves the space to make conscious, better choices and ultimately go easier on ourselves.   

If we don't meet our expectations and feel guilty we're going to breathe in and out and let that crap go.   It is just weighing us down.   We're practicing forgiving ourselves.   We will start by forgiving ourselves for gaining the weight we are now losing.

