Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012, Yoga, Strength, Bodies, Criticism

I'm looking ahead to this new year and setting my intentions. They include getting stronger and working on my balance. I know some people might criticize my practice because it is so physical. I breathe it in, let it go, and do more Chatturangas.

The two main books for yoga are Pantajali's Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita. In my mind the Sutras are the interior road map and the Gita is about applying the internal to the physical level---taking action.

The union of who we are as spiritual and physical beings is where I think things get fun. Maybe there is no better way of realizing that union than embracing your life completely as it is right now and that takes not only a deep spiritual connection but incredible physical strength and endurance.

Here is another truth---yoga does not cure all physical ills. However, it can give us the skills to face and endure our challenges with less fear. The level of pain I see in the people in my classes and the courage they bring in working with that pain, totally inspires me. I pray for the strength and courage to be fully there with them as we struggle together to become fully alive.



Thursday, December 1, 2011


If you aren't hydrating right now, here is more reason to go get a glass of plain water.

It seems that drinking 2 glasses of water before every meal will increase your fat loss by 44%. The more water you drink, the more fat you burn and the thriftier your body becomes with its proteins.

Look at the research here:

So raise your glass!



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gentle Yoga Flow

I was asked me to post my basic Gentle Yoga Flow practice. Here it is. Join me tonight at the WRAC at 5:30 if you want to try it out.

Gentle Yoga Flow

1. Starting on the back with knees bent---3 part breath.
2. Move to sitting---6th Chakra clearing
3. Come to all fours for Cat (Valasana) Flow
4. Chakravakasana---On hands and knees--- lifting alternate legs and extending them back---add arms if okay.
5. Balasana---Child’s Pose
6. Slow Ardha Vinyasa 3X---start on all fours (inhale) lower to the floor (exhale), to cobra (inhale), to child’s pose (exhale)
7. Down Dog to standing
8. Easy forward fold (knees slightly bent) Uttanasana
9. Utkatasana (Chair)
10. Warrior Series----I, II, Triangle, Twisting Triangle, Warrior I---repeat on the other side
11. Standing Poses---Tadasana, Parsva Tadasana—side to side, Gurudasana---Eagle, Modified Utthita Pada Gusthasana---standing hands under thigh, Warrior III
12. Slow easy vinyasa to the floor for Salabhasana---modified Locust pose. One arm and leg at a time. Optional both hands and legs
13. Move back to Balasana and Parivritta Balasana
14. Seated Poses starting with supported boat pose, hands on floor behind you---Navasana
15. Janu Sirsasana and then bend the knee for Marichyasana B
16. Baddha Konasana
17. Paschimottanasana
18. Setu Bandhasana---Bridge Pose
19. Dead Bug or Half Shoulder Stand
20. Jathari Parivartanasana---turning around the body
21. Savasana



Friday, September 30, 2011

Date Night Yoga Tonight

We're getting hot, sweaty, and breathing heavy! Sound like the perfect date? It is happening tonight at the WRAC. I'm leading the class at 6:00 pm in the gym. There will be wine and food afterward.

Here is the practice in case you can't make it.

1. Dirgha Pranayama on your back with knees bent
2. Valasana Kriya
3. Ardha Vinyasa
4. Tadasana---Parsva and Urdhva
5. Surya Namaskara A
6. Surya Namaskara B
7. Banarasana
8. Gurudasana
9. Warrior Series including Warrior III and finishing with Urdhava Prasarita Eka Padasana
10. Vinyasa to Eka Pada Raja Kapotanasana
11. Ardha Dhanurasana to Dhanurasana
12. Makarasana
13. Navasana, Ubhaya Pandangusthasana
14. Vinyasa to Janu Sirsasana, Parivritta Janu Sirsasana, moving up into Ardha Mandalasana---half circle pose
15. Marichyasana A, B
16. Paschimottanasana
17. Baddha Konasana
18. Setu Bandhasana
19. Sarvangasana
20. Halasana
21. Jathari Parivartanasana
22. Savasana



Sunday, September 11, 2011

Doing the same thing and getting different results

We've all heard that the recipe for insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We're lucky that we already know that yoga is crazy. We do the same thing over and over and over and the truth is we get different results every time we hit the mat. We do Sun Salutations and feel who we are uniquely today---spiritually, physically, emotionally.

I can do the same sequence of poses multiple times a day and the results will never be the same. The truth for me is that we never step in the same river twice. It is always new.

Don't be afraid to do the same practice again and again. It is why we call it practicing. I dreamt of an old piano teacher and it made me remember the frustration of wanting to play all the incredible music that is part of the piano repertory and yet being taught over and over that I would only get better by working minutely on the same pieces of music until they became a part of me. I was changed through this method of practicing and amazingly the music also became something entirely new.



Thursday, September 1, 2011


Where have I been? Busy enjoying the summer but it is time to get into September. Yoga sutra 1:1, "Atha Yoga Anushasanam!" Now begins the study of yoga!

On Tuesday, September 13, at 5:30 pm, I start leading a Basic Yoga Flow practice at the WRAC. It is 40-45 minutes of bliss! The practice moves at a gentler and slower speed than my Power Class but you still get stronger, more flexible, and dump some stress along the way. The asanas and the progression through them will pretty much stay the same from class to class (with maybe a few surprises) so it is a comfortable practice as well.

I'm still teaching Hot Power Yoga at 6:45 pm on Monday and Wednesdays.

If you want a pass for 3 free classes just let me know!

I went to the R.I.P.P.E.D instructor training last weekend. It was a blast! It shot me right out of my comfort zone---always a good thing! The workout is based on high intensity interval training so it MOVES! Take a look at

Speaking of ripped, now go read this article by Tim Henriques on steady-state walking---the opposite of high intenisty interval training.

Greet the day and the new month with a deep breath and gratitude!



Monday, August 8, 2011

Preparing to change

How did it get to be August already? I'm practicing and teaching yoga outside and loving it. I'm also grappling with anticipating the end of summer and gearing up for new things starting up in the fall. I'm surrendering to a state of preparing to change. It is a good state---anticipatory, hopeful, aware of the past, maybe even still hanging on to the past a little and yet hopefully ready to accept the future with all the rewards and challenges it is going to bring.

My intention is to approach my practice in this same state---willing to change.

I'm breathing into summer and the possibilities ahead.



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July, Simply Raw, and Change

My daughter-in-law recommended the documentary, SIMPLY RAW: REVERSING DIABETES IN 30 DAYS. It is the story of 5 people with diabetes 2 and 1 person with diabetes 1 who head to the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona and switch to a vegan, raw food diet. Most of them had symptom turn around within a week. The real story for me was their resistance to change. Even when we know what is the best for us---what is going to make us the healthiest---we choose against it.

In my own life, I've noticed that I have to build an enormous amount of evidence that a change will benefit me before I can make and commit to it. How do you change? When have you made a positive change in your life and stuck with it? What did it take to get you there?

I'm trying to eat more raw foods and am mostly resisting it because I'm not that into food preparation and it seems like every raw dish is pretty labor intensive. Although last night, for dessert, I juiced some apricots and the results were so good. The thick texture and mixture of sweet and tart flavors were the essence of July for me. Good evidence.

I'm back in the Studio at the WRAC and due to popular demand, the Saturday classes are back! I'm teaching both this Saturday the 23d and next Saturday July 30th at 9 am. Please join me.



Saturday, June 25, 2011


Everyone gets back pain, especially Brawny Yogis. There is nothing like kriyas from Down Dog to Up Dog or Weighted Wide-legged Squats to make me say "ouch." So I was eating lunch at Lemolos---excellent vegan sandwich, the Powerhouse, and the vegan tomato soup---and I saw a woman who used to come to the WRAC regularly. She said she'd slowed down because of her back but was reading this book, FOUNDATION by Dr. Eric Goodman and Peter Park and it was helping.

I downloaded the enhanced version an hour later and I've been doing their series of exercises for three weeks. I'm amazed. I'm feeling my posterior chain---calves, ham strings, glutes, and lower back muscles---in a totally different way. I'm moving better and feeling stronger. Don't you love it when that happens?

Go to their website at They've got a video with their Founder exercise. It looks a lot like Utkatasana, Chair/Fierce Pose, but it won't feel the same. I've been teaching people to get their weight back on their heels for years but this takes it home! Pulling your knees back from your toes and over your ankles changes everything.

Even if you don't have back pain, I recommend you get the book and do the exercises. The first series takes about 15 minutes but consider it your morning practice.



Friday, June 3, 2011

WRAC Class is moving!

We've outgrown the studio space at the WRAC! Class will be in the gym this coming Monday night. Same time, same building but in the room next door. It won't get as hot---which might be a relief to some people.

Moving to the gym will also solve the problem of the basketball noise going on during class. The best news is that the back row just got lots bigger!

Please come try it out and let me know what you think.



Sunday, May 29, 2011

Three Day Weekend

No class on Memorial Day at the WRAC. See you Wednesday night!

I am going to be teaching at Wenatchee Valley College, Fall Quarter, Tuesday nights. I'm looking forward to being back.

Feeling Gomukhasana--Cow Faced Pose. It is going to be the focus of my practice this next week. I'm getting in that baby and holding it---but not my breath. Loving what it does for my exterior hip flexors! I'm starting with 1 minute on each side and then working toward longer holds. I'll just be doing the legs so I can concentrate on keeping both hips lowered and let gravity and my breath do its stuff.

I will follow it up with Ardha Matsyandrasana---Half Lord of the Fishes---to get a really good twist. I'm also perpetually working on opening my shoulders in this pose so I can really get around.

Have a great rest of the weekend. Think of something you are grateful for on your next exhale.



Monday, May 23, 2011

Walk outs!

Metabolic Training is HOT! Here is a move that incorporates asanas that will get you going.

Start in Uttanasana (yoga hangover) and then as quick as you can, walk your hands out to Down Dog. Keep going into plank and then keep going by walking your hands as far out as you can. Reach your max and then walk your self back to Uttanasana and repeat. See if you can work up to 10 times. Keep breathing and keep going is your mantra.

You can also do it starting from your knees for an easier version.

Here is a YouTube to inspire you from Roman Fitness Systems.



Saturday, May 14, 2011


Vegetables and lots of them. I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead last night. If you have Charter-On-Demand it is there. It is an incredibly inspiring documentary on the extraordinary---and for these people quick---transformation through eating, juicing, and drinking plants. It is funny and touching and never boring. It isn't preachy at all and extremely practical. There are a couple of spots where it looks like they are doing some yoga poses!

Website here:

Watch it!

Its a rainy day. I've got my yoga toes on. I just finished my morning practice including 50 Chauttaranguas! Time to throw some fruit in the Vitamix!

I'm on the schedule to teach next Saturday, the 21st at 9 am at the WRAC. New, earlier time---come join me.

Breathe deep and eat your veggies!



Tuesday, May 3, 2011


You have to do Malasana and you have to do it a lot. This pose is amazing and totally brawny.

In Malasana you surrender to gravity, your hips open, and your back smiles. Do it at least 3 times a day and hold it for as long as you can. Start with 10 breaths. Make sure you let your tailbone sink down and stay in the pose long enough for those hip flexors to feel safe enough to let go.

Here is the link to Yoga Journal (where I got the picture) and explicit instructions for getting into the pose.

Breathe and reap the benefits!



Monday, April 25, 2011

Chatturanga Namaskara!

Chatturangas! Sexy for pushups and we're going to salute them!

Do a normal Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara A) but after you move from standing to a plank position add 6 pushups, lower to the floor, come to Cobra or Up Dog, do another pushup and finish up in Down Dog. That's your first round.

Do 4 more Surya Namaskara A's and add one pushup each time. On the 2nd salutation you do 7, the 3rd you do 8, the 4th you do 9 and finally on the 5th one you do 10. If I did the math right, you just did 5 Surya Namaskara A's and 40 Chatturangas.

Not a bad workout.

Move to the floor and do some of your favorite seated poses and have an incredible day.



Sunday, April 17, 2011


My mantra is do what gets results.

I've lately seen way too many people reading on the on the aerobic machine of their choice for hours on end to lose weight and nothing changes.

Number one on my list of asanas that get results are the Surya Namaskaras. It is no surprise that the Ashtanga series starts with Surya Namaskara A and Surya Namaskara B----5 of each. If that is all that makes up your daily home practice, you are going to get stronger, more flexible, have greater balance, and your mind is going to get quieter.

Salute the sun! Vary the tempo. Go slow and then do some fast. Mix it up. Do them outside. You can take them with you when you travel! Get your breath and body moving and lose yourself in the process.



Friday, April 1, 2011

Staying with it

You've probably heard that you need to set your intention at the start of your practice. But what if your intention is just to get on your mat and practice?

Since my main daily practice moves really quickly, I'm trying to explore holding poses a lot longer, using gravity to deepen how far I go in poses. I'm using Lucas Rockwell's YOGABODY system. Check it out here:

By the way, it is a great system and makes total sense.

However, knowing what to do is never as difficult as doing it. I've set up all kinds of resistance to adding this practice to my day. I've found that my mind is extremely creative in avoiding what I know will change me.

The first step for me in overcoming my resistance is just noticing it. Then I start knocking off my "whine list." Whine list as in---I'm too tired. I don't have the right timer. There is this tv show I have to watch. I haven't read the paper yet.

All these little distractions need to be dealt with or at least acknowledged and dismissed as stupid. Then I have to step on the mat and get to work.

Seems like nothing but everything.

What are you resisting that would positively change you?



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Your practice is everywhere!

Try these two moves to increase your hip mobility!

1. Spiderman walks---a form of Banarasana.

2. Cradle walks---kind of a walking form of Ardha Baddha Padma Padottanasana.


Now take a minute to be conscious of your breath.



Monday, March 7, 2011

Down Dog Push-Ups!

It was a great Saturday class at the WRAC. Thank you all for showing up!

As part of our warm-up we did some push-ups in Adho Mukha Svanasana, Down Dog. We dropped our heads to the floor and worked our shoulders in an amazing way.

For tonight's warm-up, we'll do some half vinyasas on our knees and then some ab contractions. Still on our hands and knees we'll begin by drawing our knees, one at-a-time to our elbows---then to opposite elbows---and then from a knee out position (dog at a fire hydrant) moving out and up to the elbow.

I'm also planning on doing several flows from standing to Uttanasana, forward fold, then to Utkatasana, Chair Pose, and then back up to Tadasana! Fold, squat and stand---let the prana flow. Yoga intervals!

I'm thinking about how in the Feldenkrais Method, they say even visualizing a movement changes your body image and helps remove mental and physical limitations. Close your eyes and do a Surya Namaskara A, Sun Salutation right now. How did that feel?



Monday, February 28, 2011

Doing less than you can...quickly!

My classes move quickly. No one can ever accuse me of offering a Power RESTORATIVE Yoga Class. Although that sounds kind of good.

My classes are quick because I've found that is what gets results. There are slow aspects but most of the close is true vinyasa style---one breath/one movement.

Taking responsibility and doing what is appropriate for you is part of surrendering to your inner guru. In my classes or anyone else's, you need to hang on to who you are and what you want out of the class. Now---I'm going to encourage you to push your comfort zone and try to get you to do a little bit more but ultimately it has to be your choice.

We did some crazy moves last week to see if we couldn't connect with the piriformis muscle. The most effective started by getting into Banarasana, Monkey Pose. Start on your hands and knees and lunge your right foot to the outside of your right hand. While bending the back knee, grab your back foot--same side hand as foot. Continue to let the hip move forward. It works! However, it also had a slight tendency to make the hamstring cramp up in a few people. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction! Be careful.

Give it a try. Breathe deep...and see you in class! Remember if you want to try my class at the WRAC, just let the front desk know and they'll give you a free pass.



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Last night at WVC

The lesson last night was practicing flexibility in all forms.

The room had been double booked and it seems no one had been told. The Power Class went with me to another location off campus but unfortunately the message didn't get to the Back/Gentle Class and they went home. My sincerest apologies.

For the next 3 weeks, the Tuesday night classes will be in Van Tassel in the room across from the cafeteria entrance. That's where we held the first class of the quarter.

Again, I apologize for the mix up. Things should be better for the rest of the quarter. If you have friends or family that would like to try the class---please bring them!

I'll make the Back Class a little longer for the rest of the quarter to make up for the missed class.

I've decided to take a break from teaching at the college. I won't be offering my class either Spring or Summer Quarter. You are always welcome at the WRAC. Come try it out for free. Just tell the front desk you are my guest and you want to try a class. If you decide to continue, the classes only cost $8. It is a great deal.



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yoga challenge

Here is your yoga challenge for today.

Get in a plank position---Santolanasana---and extend one arm forward palm in and lift the opposite leg. Hold it for as long as you can but keep breathing. Repeat on the other side! Work up to it. The first time could be quick.

Now move into Vashistasana---side plank pose.

Come back to a plank position and walk your hands as far forward as you can and hold the position. Breathe!

You are amazing and don't you forget it!



Friday, February 4, 2011

Beyond Brawny Power Yoga

Check this article out by Zach Gillmann on the Testosterone Nation website.


Zach Gillmann gives his 6 essential poses. He includes Prayer Squat or Malasana as one of his poses. Looks good!



3 Daily Essential Yoga Poses for February

I've read where there are probably 48,000 yoga poses. Here are my 3 Essential Poses for February. Include these daily in your February practice and be amazed by who you will become by March!

1. Malasana (deep squat)---take your feet out to the edge of your mat and squat. Elbows inside your knees, hands in prayer, and dropping your tailbone to the ground. Breathe deep at least 5 times and push through your heels to stand. Repeat 3 times.

2. Gomukhasana (Cow-faced pose)---while seated, cross one leg over the other. Bottoms of both feet are exposed behind you. Try to stack your knees and get your sit bones to the floor. Breathe deep into your hips and don't worry about your arms. Hold everything but your breath for as long as you can, then come out and do the other side.

3. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt or Zen pose)---get on your knees and sit back on your heels. Hands on thighs. Breathe into those tight quads and feel the release. How about 10 full breaths in this position.

See you at class!



Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yoga and criticism

Okay this is weird, I'm being critical of critics! Something wrong with that.

I was talking with my best friend and training partner about how criticism is such a part of gym culture. It seems to be the way that people, especially guys, show intimacy.

If you are around me, you know I subscribe to the helpful belief that people are usually doing the best they can with the knowledge and awareness that they have at the moment. Thank you Louise Hay. I also ascribe to the belief that in asana, there is no such thing as a perfect pose. Thank you Bryan Kest.

I try not to leave room in my yoga practice and classes for criticism. Work hard, stay focused on your breath, and do the best you can. If you are in a class that makes you feel bad or increases your self-criticism, get out. Never let yoga be an opportunity to reinforce your ability to criticize yourself. Trust me, you've got that skill down and it doesn't need further practice. How about using your practice to flood love and approval to every part of your body. Everyone needs love and and approval, why not give it to yourself?

So the same day we were talking about gym culture and criticism, I had an instructor point out with critical surprise that I couldn't do Gomukhasana fully and I was a yoga teacher. There are many poses I can't do and the list is probably longer than the ones I can do. I tell people that if I could already do this stuff I wouldn't need to practice.

The same day I ran into a guy whose girlfriend went to my class and loved it BUT couldn't believe that I talked all the way through the class. This was the compliment with criticism topping. I told myself to accept the compliment. By the way, I do talk a lot.

Please catch yourself criticizing yourself and stop. Catch yourself criticizing someone else and stop that too. I don't think we have to worry about not having enough criticism in the world around us. Increasing the love and approval that is out there is worth it.



Monday, January 24, 2011

Open up!

"Lift up your heart." That statement is part of the Christian Mass and it is excellent advice. Most yogis have heard someone talk about having a headlight on your chest. You want to keep it shining forward not down at your lap. Go ahead and feel long and open especially under your sternum. Give yourself room to breathe and your heart to open. Collapsing in on yourself is hard on your body and your psyche.

I've found that lifting my heart is a simple practice but very powerful. Do it while you are sitting, standing, and especially while you are practicing yoga.

The Heart Chakra is called Anahata and is the home of our decision maker. It is also associated with love and compassion. Lifting the heart opens this area and also Manipura, the navel chakra. Manipurna is the center of our self and the discipline to get things done. Open the front of your body, fill it with breath and face the world with confidence and love.



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WVC Class Starts Tonight

We're starting a new quarter at WVC tonight. It is 5:30 pm for Power and the Back/Gentler Class is at 6:45. There is still time to show up and still time to register even if you can't make it tonight. This class relies mostly on word-of-mouth, so please tell your friends about it. Go to and hit Continuing Education.

Tonight's class will not be in the Campus Theater. The Drama department needs the stage just for tonight. Our class will be in Van Tassell in the conference room right across from the Cafeteria. It is a great room with windows. The rest of the classes should be back in the Campus Theater.

I did a bunch of Chatturangas earlier today so my triceps are talking to me. Telling them, "Thanks for sharing," isn't quite getting them to stop complaining. Speaking of talking to your body, try just for a day to talk to your body with encouragement and love. Tell it how great it is. Tell it how much you love it, even if you don't. Everyone does better with encouragement and praise. How about you give it to your body and see what happens? One day---how easy is that?

I hope to see some of you tonight out at WVC!

