We're starting a new quarter at WVC tonight. It is 5:30 pm for Power and the Back/Gentler Class is at 6:45. There is still time to show up and still time to register even if you can't make it tonight. This class relies mostly on word-of-mouth, so please tell your friends about it. Go to www.wvc.edu and hit Continuing Education.
Tonight's class will not be in the Campus Theater. The Drama department needs the stage just for tonight. Our class will be in Van Tassell in the conference room right across from the Cafeteria. It is a great room with windows. The rest of the classes should be back in the Campus Theater.
I did a bunch of Chatturangas earlier today so my triceps are talking to me. Telling them, "Thanks for sharing," isn't quite getting them to stop complaining. Speaking of talking to your body, try just for a day to talk to your body with encouragement and love. Tell it how great it is. Tell it how much you love it, even if you don't. Everyone does better with encouragement and praise. How about you give it to your body and see what happens? One day---how easy is that?
I hope to see some of you tonight out at WVC!
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