Bryan Kest says, "It's not what you do, it's how you do what you do."
There are so many different styles of yoga, ways of doing poses, and approaches to teaching. What if none of that matters?
I try to see my practice as a reflection of my mind. Like life, it is all being played out there. Mind is the cause and everything else is effect. If I can hang out peacefully in my mind what is going on really doesn't matter. It all works.
Niki Stewart, incredible yogini and triathlete, told me I needed to stop saying I hated to run---I was in a deep state of whining about it---and start using the mantra "I love to run." It worked. Next time out, I went from a misery inducing 2 miles to 3.1 with a smile on my face.
Whether I'm lifting weights, running, or doing asana---what matters is what is going on at the level of mind.
What is going on in your mind today?
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