I just saw a study that claimed that 1 in 5 people have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If they included non-diagnosed people with wrist pain, it would probably bring the group of wrist sufferers to just about everyone who uses a computer. Using a mouse and key board can make your wrists tighten up and cause pain.
Take a breath, let go of your mouse, and try these simple wrist asanas.
1. Windshield Wiper Wrists. Sitting, place your forearms on your desk and make fists with thumbs up. Bend at the wrist and move your fists like windshield wipers. Breathe deep and shake your hands out when you finish.
2. Prayer Behind the Back. Make prayer hands behind your back with fingers going upward. Breathing deeply slowly move your hands up the spine. Let your shoulders drop and breathe into your open heart.
3. Talk To the Hand and Limp Wrist. Extend your arms forward and flex your wrists in a "Halt" position. Breathe in, stretch your fingers and push into your hands. On the exhale point your fingers downward.
4. Do Wrist Circles in both directions.
5. Savasana Wrists. Drop your hands to your sides, shake them out and loosen your shoulders. Close your eyes for just a few minutes and send loving, warm energy into your relaxed wrists.
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