Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fire Salutation

This one gets your fire going whether the room is heated or not! Concentrate on your breath keeping it smooth, deep and flowing. Do it quick or do it slow, make it your dance!

Agni Namaskara---Fire Salutation

Start standing in Tadasana

On an exhale fold over into Uttanasana

Inhale keep your hands down, look up and flatten your back

Lunge taking your right foot back looking forward

Put your right hand down, lift your left arm up, turn and look toward your left hand---Parivritta Parsvakonasana

Switch arms, right arm up, left arm down---Utthita Parsvakonasana

Both hands come down to the floor as you push through into Down Dog---Adho Mukha Svanasana

Exhale as you drop knees, chest, chin down to the floor, rear in the air moving into into Ashtanga Namaskara

Lower completely down to the floor and place your hands under shoulders, elbows in tight, inhale and come to Cobra Pose---Bhujanghasana

Inhale and push yourself back to Down Dog---Adho Mukha Svanasana----take a big exhale

Keeping your toes kept curled under, flow through to Up Dog on an inhale and on the next exhale move back to Down Dog, keeping the movement going for 5 breaths---Urdhva Mukha Svanasna Kriya 5 X

Lunge again---right leg forward looking forward

As you exhale, bring the left foot up next to the right bending over in Uttanasana

Inhale to look up and flatten your back, exhale back down

Huge inhale to standing---Tadasana

Hands together in front of your heart on an exhale---Samasthiti

Woo Hoo! You've got another side. Repeat the series.



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