My daughter-in-law recommended the documentary, SIMPLY RAW: REVERSING DIABETES IN 30 DAYS. It is the story of 5 people with diabetes 2 and 1 person with diabetes 1 who head to the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona and switch to a vegan, raw food diet. Most of them had symptom turn around within a week. The real story for me was their resistance to change. Even when we know what is the best for us---what is going to make us the healthiest---we choose against it.
In my own life, I've noticed that I have to build an enormous amount of evidence that a change will benefit me before I can make and commit to it. How do you change? When have you made a positive change in your life and stuck with it? What did it take to get you there?
I'm trying to eat more raw foods and am mostly resisting it because I'm not that into food preparation and it seems like every raw dish is pretty labor intensive. Although last night, for dessert, I juiced some apricots and the results were so good. The thick texture and mixture of sweet and tart flavors were the essence of July for me. Good evidence.
I'm back in the Studio at the WRAC and due to popular demand, the Saturday classes are back! I'm teaching both this Saturday the 23d and next Saturday July 30th at 9 am. Please join me.
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