Vegetables and lots of them. I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead last night. If you have Charter-On-Demand it is there. It is an incredibly inspiring documentary on the extraordinary---and for these people quick---transformation through eating, juicing, and drinking plants. It is funny and touching and never boring. It isn't preachy at all and extremely practical. There are a couple of spots where it looks like they are doing some yoga poses!
Website here: http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/
Watch it!
Its a rainy day. I've got my yoga toes on. I just finished my morning practice including 50 Chauttaranguas! Time to throw some fruit in the Vitamix!
I'm on the schedule to teach next Saturday, the 21st at 9 am at the WRAC. New, earlier time---come join me.
Breathe deep and eat your veggies!
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