No class on Memorial Day at the WRAC. See you Wednesday night!
I am going to be teaching at Wenatchee Valley College, Fall Quarter, Tuesday nights. I'm looking forward to being back.
Feeling Gomukhasana--Cow Faced Pose. It is going to be the focus of my practice this next week. I'm getting in that baby and holding it---but not my breath. Loving what it does for my exterior hip flexors! I'm starting with 1 minute on each side and then working toward longer holds. I'll just be doing the legs so I can concentrate on keeping both hips lowered and let gravity and my breath do its stuff.
I will follow it up with Ardha Matsyandrasana---Half Lord of the Fishes---to get a really good twist. I'm also perpetually working on opening my shoulders in this pose so I can really get around.
Have a great rest of the weekend. Think of something you are grateful for on your next exhale.