It was a great Saturday class at the WRAC. Thank you all for showing up!
As part of our warm-up we did some push-ups in Adho Mukha Svanasana, Down Dog. We dropped our heads to the floor and worked our shoulders in an amazing way.
For tonight's warm-up, we'll do some half vinyasas on our knees and then some ab contractions. Still on our hands and knees we'll begin by drawing our knees, one at-a-time to our elbows---then to opposite elbows---and then from a knee out position (dog at a fire hydrant) moving out and up to the elbow.
I'm also planning on doing several flows from standing to Uttanasana, forward fold, then to Utkatasana, Chair Pose, and then back up to Tadasana! Fold, squat and stand---let the prana flow. Yoga intervals!
I'm thinking about how in the Feldenkrais Method, they say even visualizing a movement changes your body image and helps remove mental and physical limitations. Close your eyes and do a Surya Namaskara A, Sun Salutation right now. How did that feel?
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