Yoga Circuit #2
I had to include the picture of Arnold in Utkatasana with a little weight on his back! Take a deep breath and here you go!
1. Warm up gently and then fold over in Uttanasana. Grab your elbows and feel the breath move in and out. Soften the knees a little and go a little lower. Establish your intention to breathe and stay moving through the entire sequence. When you’ve ready come on up and get started.
2. Start with 2 Surya Namaskara A’s or your favorite Sun Salutation.
3. Move right into an Utkatasana, Chair Pose, flow. With hands over head, biceps by ears, move into Utkatasana on the inhale and back up to standing on the exhale. Keep the breath and the movement flowing 10 times. Have your feet shoulder width apart and go deep in the squat. Let your rear go!
4. 2 Surya Namaskara A’s.
5. Chatturanga Dandasana (pushups) in a flow. 10 of them. Inhale up and exhale down.
6. 2 Surya Namaskara A’s
7. Navasana (Boat Pose) flow. Inhale in Navasana exhale Ardha Navasna ---lowering legs halfway and the lower back to the floor 10 times.
8. 2 more Surya Namaskara A’s
9. Banarasana Flow, Monkey Pose. From Adho Mukha Svanasana, Down Dog, lunge with the right foot to the outside of the right hand. Return the foot and lunge with the left foot to the outside of the left hand. Inhale on the lunge and exhale on the return. Do 10 on each side.
10. Repeat the entire sequence.
11. Finish out with Baddha Konasana, Butterfly Pose, Paschimottanasana, Forward Fold, Jathari Parivarttanasana, on your back twist.
12. Savasana!
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