Monday, November 22, 2010
New Yoga Circuit
Yoga Circuit #2
I had to include the picture of Arnold in Utkatasana with a little weight on his back! Take a deep breath and here you go!
1. Warm up gently and then fold over in Uttanasana. Grab your elbows and feel the breath move in and out. Soften the knees a little and go a little lower. Establish your intention to breathe and stay moving through the entire sequence. When you’ve ready come on up and get started.
2. Start with 2 Surya Namaskara A’s or your favorite Sun Salutation.
3. Move right into an Utkatasana, Chair Pose, flow. With hands over head, biceps by ears, move into Utkatasana on the inhale and back up to standing on the exhale. Keep the breath and the movement flowing 10 times. Have your feet shoulder width apart and go deep in the squat. Let your rear go!
4. 2 Surya Namaskara A’s.
5. Chatturanga Dandasana (pushups) in a flow. 10 of them. Inhale up and exhale down.
6. 2 Surya Namaskara A’s
7. Navasana (Boat Pose) flow. Inhale in Navasana exhale Ardha Navasna ---lowering legs halfway and the lower back to the floor 10 times.
8. 2 more Surya Namaskara A’s
9. Banarasana Flow, Monkey Pose. From Adho Mukha Svanasana, Down Dog, lunge with the right foot to the outside of the right hand. Return the foot and lunge with the left foot to the outside of the left hand. Inhale on the lunge and exhale on the return. Do 10 on each side.
10. Repeat the entire sequence.
11. Finish out with Baddha Konasana, Butterfly Pose, Paschimottanasana, Forward Fold, Jathari Parivarttanasana, on your back twist.
12. Savasana!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Yoga Intervals? Yoga Circuit?
My weekend yoga practice included experimenting with doing yoga as a circuit or yoga intervals. Okay, for purists, it probably is more like Grape Nuts---neither yoga nor intervals or circuits. However, it was a challenging practice and fun. The key for me was trying to make it as aerobic and possible by keeping myself to one breath per movement and not holding any poses except for those noted. This was a practice about flowing and staying balanced. It definitely wasn’t about doing perfect poses. Have fun!
1. I warmed up for 5-10 minutes---for me that included jumping on my rebounder to get my blood flowing.
2. Then I did 1 Sun Salutation/Surya Namaskara A.
Starting with arms at sides, inhale arms overhead, exhale over to a Forward Fold. Inhale and glance up. Exhale move back to Plank (knees on or off the floor). Take an inhale and on the exhale lower yourself to the ground. From there, inhale to Cobra Pose. Exhale, do an optional Pushup and then finish in Down Dog. Take five breaths and then jump back to a Forward Fold. Inhale looking up and flattening your back. Exhale back to Forward Fold. Inhale come up to standing, arms overhead. Exhale bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your heart.
3. I took a breath and did a Surya Namaskara B---Surya Namaskara starting from Chair Pose with added Warrior 1's.
From standing inhale to Chair Pose and exhale over to a Forward Fold. Inhale and glance up. Exhale move back to Plank. Take an inhale and then on the exhale lower yourself to the ground. From there, inhale to Cobra Pose. Exhale, do an optional Pushup and move into Down Dog. Lunge with the right foot and inhale into Warrior 1. Exhale arms to the floor and take the right foot back. From Plank, exhale to the floor. Inhale to Cobra and then do the optional Pushup and go to Down Dog. From Down Dog lunge with the left foot. Inhale to Warrior 1. Exhale hands to the floor. From Plank lower down to the floor. Inhale Cobra. Exhale, Pushup and Down Dog. Take five breaths and then jump back to a Forward Fold. Inhale looking up and flattening your back. Exhale back to Forward Fold. Inhale come up to standing, arms overhead. Exhale bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your heart. Immediately repeat the sequence but take your left foot forward first into Warrior I.
4. Then I did a Vinyasa into Warrior 1, 2, Side Angle Pose, Triangle Pose, Twisting Triangle, Pyramid Pose, Warrior 3, and finally Standing Splits.
From a Forward fold, look up, move to Plank, lower down, Cobra, Pushup, Down Dog---lunge to Warrior 1, right foot forward. From Warrior 1 take a breath and move into Warrior 2. From Warrior 2 put your right hand on the floor next to your right foot, left hand in the air. Take a breath. Straighten your right leg and move into Triangle pose. Take a breath and switch arms going into Twisting Triangle. One breath later, put both hands on the ground or on your leg and drop your head. Next breath, lift your left leg up and extend your arms forward into Warrior 3. Exhale dropping your hands and head to the floor and then inhale while you lift your left leg to the ceiling---Standing Splits. Drop the left leg on an exhale. Glance up from Forward Fold on the inhale. Drop back down. Inhale and come to standing. Immediately repeat the sequence on the left side.
That was 1 round of the circuit. I repeated it 4 times and then I did legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karani) for 5 minutes.
Be great!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Yoga makes you feel good
Check out this article at Science Daily.
I apologize for making you cut and paste to get there but I'm using Safari. One of these days I'll switch over to Firefox.
The study found that yoga has a greater positive effect on mood and anxiety level than other forms of exercise. You already knew that but nice to have it verified. It seems that yoga increases the level of GABA in the thalamus. The authors suggest that yoga stimulates specific brain areas, thereby giving rise to changes in neurotransmitters such as GABA.
Have a great weekend!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Vegan Dinner and Movie
Hey, there were two great vegan articles last week. A cheese conspiracy and now Power Vegans! Yes, I guess you can put the word power in front of anything.
I also saw Hereafter---Clint Eastwood's new movie. I liked it a lot. I think he dealt with the after life seriously but didn't hit his audience over the head. I almost bought some Dots to eat (I'm told they are vegan) but thought better of it. Nothing worse than a junk food vegan spouting off about the after life?
Tonight's class is about hips! We'll for sure spend some time in Banarasana after the Sun Salutations. Then do some Standing Pigeon and on the floor do what I call the Big Three---Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyandrasana, and Agnistambhasana.
Blue skies and sunshine today! I'm going to get out and salute the sun!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Dia de los meurtos
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