I found this sequence on YouTube when I was searching for new ways to work with releasing the piriformis muscle. The piriformis is that hard to reach muscle deep in the butt that, among other things, rotates the leg outward.
A lot of you know that the squat is sometimes referred to as the king of all exercises in bodybuilding. Squatting deep and heavy is an amazing experience. It is an instantaneous way to increase your feelings of personal power! This sequence gives you that experience using Utkatasana, Fierce Pose/Chair Pose and Malasana.
Start by taking a wider stance in Tadasana. Go to the edges of your mat and turn your toes out slightly. Watch your breath for a moment. Make Peace Fingers with both hands and with soft knees, bend over and grab your big toes going into Padagusthasana. Drop your head, relax your neck and release the muscles up through the backs of your legs. Breath into and feel the length and any tightness in the exterior hip flexors. Now, start bending your knees letting your butt go and lower into Malasana, or a deep squat. Feel the point where your exterior hip flexors grab and then breathe in deep and consciously let them relax on the exhale. Let your butt drop even more toward your heels. You can relax your hips even more and feel your lower back broaden and open up. Feel the power in the connection of your feet to Mother Earth. When you are ready, lift your arms to the sky, biceps by your ears, and on an inhale, push through your heels into a standing position. Wow!
Here is the link to YouTube if you want to watch the original. I would suggest trying it really slow a couple of times before you pick up the tempo!
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