Here is a practice to keep you ready for WVC Class starting April 6
1. Take a breath---actually 5 of them of the 3 part variety
2. Surya Namaskara A---aim for 5 today.
3. Malasana---squat down with elbows inside your knees and hands in prayer----BREATHE!
4. Surya Namaskara B---2!
5. Uttanasana (bend over with interlaced fingers behind your back) and feel your shoulders open and the backs of your legs release.
6. Standing upright, raise your arms, and do a sweet little Back Bend
7. Half bow---Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana---grab the outside of your right foot with your right hand and lift. Left hand is straight up and then forward.
8. Warrior I, Warrior II, Trikonasana (triangle pose) , Parivritta Trikonasana (twisting triangle pose)
9. Come to standing and do a Vinyasa
10. Baddha Konasana--bound angle pose
11. Paschimottonasana---straight leg on the floor pose
12. Udhava Prasarita Padasana---leg raises---as many as you want!
13. Bridge---Setu Bandhasana
14. Lying Twist
15. Savasana