In class, I pretty much always say to a person that falls out of a standing pose, "Extra points for falling!"
I don' t want people to hurt themselves, but I don't want them to be embarrassed by coming out-of-balance. As a kid, didn't you love testing your balance? Didn't falling just mean getting up and trying again? We need to cultivate the same quality in our practice and in our lives.
It is only by finding our selves out-of-balance that we are aware of when we are in-balance. So how about feeling some gratitude for falling?
It is recommended that you sit part of the day on the floor. Your risk of falling decreases and your yoga practice improves by simply getting down on the floor and sitting for at least fifteen minutes a day. What a simple elegant practice! Sit down, come to your breath, and you are doing yoga. Now that is balance.
My fall schedule is in full swing! Please feel free to drop in on any class and give it a try.
I'll be teaching at the WALE Conference, October 2, at the Wenatchee Convention Center at 7:15 am and 4:15 pm. Both classes will be gentle with mostly standing poses and restorative chair poses. I don't know the room numbers, but if you are prepared to scout around a little, you are welcome to attend.
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