Dean’s Practice #1 for August/September 2009
1. Three-Part Breath---do 5
2. Valasana/Cat Flow
3. Side Arm Balance/Vishistasana---keeping your forearm on the floor to work your core
4. Balasana/Child's Pose to Adho Mukha Svanasana/Down Dog
5. Surya Namaskara A---do at least 2
6. Surya Namskara B---do 2 of these also
7. Garudasana---Eagle Pose, right leg over, right arm under, repeat left leg over, left arm under
8. Malasana---squat, hands in prayer position, elbows inside knees, drop your tailbone
9. Vinyasa to Warrior I, Warrior II, Triangle Pose, Twisting Triangle, come forward both hands to your leg or floor and then back up to Warrior I. Vinyasa and repeat on the other side
10. Vinyasa to Down Dog and take your leg through to Pigeon Pose. Come back to Down Dog and then come up to standing
11. Vinyasa to Ardha Dhanurasana/Bow Pose, return to Down Dog and come to standing
12. Vinyasa to Navasana/Boat Pose
13. Janu Sirsasana/Seated with one foot against the opposite leg, then bend forward
14. Upavistha Konasana/Seated Spread Leg Pose, bend forward
15. Purvottanasana/Reverse Table Pose
16. Lying Twist
17. Savasana---relax for at least 5 minutes
Om Shanti
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