Pattabhoi Jois the founder of Ashtanga Yoga said that “Yoga is 99% practice and 1% knowledge.” It doesn’t get much more simple than that. You have to walk the walk if you’re going to talk the talk.
I remind myself daily that Yoga is a discipline and a spiritual path. It isn’t a goal. It is a process. You are devoting yourself to this path every time you get into a Down Dog. When I teach, I am teaching what I have learned as a student walking that path. Staying connected to that path is essential. If you have to have a goal, let it be to show up on your mat everyday.
Plan your practice and then practice your plan. Some people keep a practice journal. They write their practice down, where they are going to do it and when. Other people know that their practice is everywhere. Whenever they can, they are breathing deeply and doing asana.
So what happens if you skip a day? Inhale into the feeling, let it go and affirm your intention to get back on the mat. Your struggle and resistance to doing yoga daily will keep you honest and humble.
You know that some days are better than others and you can get into poses easily and yoga feels great. Other days, everything is difficult and just remembering to breathe seems impossible. It is all yoga. Discipline is freedom and it isn’t free.
I constantly remind myself that my practice is simply that, my practice. The time you practice is about you. You are working with your body and your breath. Embrace that you’re going to get discouraged and frustrated. Breathe into it and make it part of your practice. If you can find acceptance of where you are and surrender just a little bit, you’ve made more progress than you can imagine.
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