I keep running into the belief in articles and on posts that we only have a finite amount of willpower and that is why we can't reach our fat loss goals. I'm not sure I even know what is meant by willpower anymore. However, if power doesn't work, will or not, what if we could move the next level of fat weight by simply releasing the breath and letting go of the fat?
What if we were willing to let go of our exhale and our fear of releasing more weight? What if we felt safe enough to do whatever it takes to get to our weight loss goals?
Being conscious of the breath is the easiest way I know to feel safer.
Before you eat---yes, anything---stop and take 3 conscious breaths. I suggest using Dirgha Pranayama. Breathe the 3 part breath 3 times! If you forget
to take this simple step before you eat, as soon as you remember, stop and take 3 conscious breaths. Commit right now to taking 3 breaths before your next bite.
I wonder how quickly this will work for you?