I was asked me to post my basic Gentle Yoga Flow practice. Here it is. Join me tonight at the WRAC at 5:30 if you want to try it out.
Gentle Yoga Flow
1. Starting on the back with knees bent---3 part breath.
2. Move to sitting---6th Chakra clearing
3. Come to all fours for Cat (Valasana) Flow
4. Chakravakasana---On hands and knees--- lifting alternate legs and extending them back---add arms if okay.
5. Balasana---Child’s Pose
6. Slow Ardha Vinyasa 3X---start on all fours (inhale) lower to the floor (exhale), to cobra (inhale), to child’s pose (exhale)
7. Down Dog to standing
8. Easy forward fold (knees slightly bent) Uttanasana
9. Utkatasana (Chair)
10. Warrior Series----I, II, Triangle, Twisting Triangle, Warrior I---repeat on the other side
11. Standing Poses---Tadasana, Parsva Tadasana—side to side, Gurudasana---Eagle, Modified Utthita Pada Gusthasana---standing hands under thigh, Warrior III
12. Slow easy vinyasa to the floor for Salabhasana---modified Locust pose. One arm and leg at a time. Optional both hands and legs
13. Move back to Balasana and Parivritta Balasana
14. Seated Poses starting with supported boat pose, hands on floor behind you---Navasana
15. Janu Sirsasana and then bend the knee for Marichyasana B
16. Baddha Konasana
17. Paschimottanasana
18. Setu Bandhasana---Bridge Pose
19. Dead Bug or Half Shoulder Stand
20. Jathari Parivartanasana---turning around the body
21. Savasana