We're getting hot, sweaty, and breathing heavy! Sound like the perfect date? It is happening tonight at the WRAC. I'm leading the class at 6:00 pm in the gym. There will be wine and food afterward.
Here is the practice in case you can't make it.
1. Dirgha Pranayama on your back with knees bent
2. Valasana Kriya
3. Ardha Vinyasa
4. Tadasana---Parsva and Urdhva
5. Surya Namaskara A
6. Surya Namaskara B
7. Banarasana
8. Gurudasana
9. Warrior Series including Warrior III and finishing with Urdhava Prasarita Eka Padasana
10. Vinyasa to Eka Pada Raja Kapotanasana
11. Ardha Dhanurasana to Dhanurasana
12. Makarasana
13. Navasana, Ubhaya Pandangusthasana
14. Vinyasa to Janu Sirsasana, Parivritta Janu Sirsasana, moving up into Ardha Mandalasana---half circle pose
15. Marichyasana A, B
16. Paschimottanasana
17. Baddha Konasana
18. Setu Bandhasana
19. Sarvangasana
20. Halasana
21. Jathari Parivartanasana
22. Savasana
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Doing the same thing and getting different results

We've all heard that the recipe for insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We're lucky that we already know that yoga is crazy. We do the same thing over and over and over and the truth is we get different results every time we hit the mat. We do Sun Salutations and feel who we are uniquely today---spiritually, physically, emotionally.
I can do the same sequence of poses multiple times a day and the results will never be the same. The truth for me is that we never step in the same river twice. It is always new.
Don't be afraid to do the same practice again and again. It is why we call it practicing. I dreamt of an old piano teacher and it made me remember the frustration of wanting to play all the incredible music that is part of the piano repertory and yet being taught over and over that I would only get better by working minutely on the same pieces of music until they became a part of me. I was changed through this method of practicing and amazingly the music also became something entirely new.
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where have I been? Busy enjoying the summer but it is time to get into September. Yoga sutra 1:1, "Atha Yoga Anushasanam!" Now begins the study of yoga!
On Tuesday, September 13, at 5:30 pm, I start leading a Basic Yoga Flow practice at the WRAC. It is 40-45 minutes of bliss! The practice moves at a gentler and slower speed than my Power Class but you still get stronger, more flexible, and dump some stress along the way. The asanas and the progression through them will pretty much stay the same from class to class (with maybe a few surprises) so it is a comfortable practice as well.
I'm still teaching Hot Power Yoga at 6:45 pm on Monday and Wednesdays.
If you want a pass for 3 free classes just let me know!
I went to the R.I.P.P.E.D instructor training last weekend. It was a blast! It shot me right out of my comfort zone---always a good thing! The workout is based on high intensity interval training so it MOVES! Take a look at rippedusa.com.
Speaking of ripped, now go read this article by Tim Henriques on steady-state walking---the opposite of high intenisty interval training.
Greet the day and the new month with a deep breath and gratitude!
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