Okay, I'm hooked on my foam roller. It is an amazing tool to work through muscle tension and get overnight relief. I bought mine at Target for about $20. Give it a try. It comes with instructions but if you're having trouble figuring it out, let me know.
The other thing I'm becoming more and more aware of is my water intake. I notice an immediate difference in my joint and muscle stiffness when I'm adequately hydrated. I know everyone's water needs are different but I think we are universally not getting enough. Experiment! Aim for 8 glasses a day and see if it makes a difference in how you feel.
It is the end of August! Wow!
The WRAC is in maintenance week, so tomorrow's class will be held outside. Dress warmer than usual.
Registration is open for Fall Quarter at the Wenatchee Valley College. I'll see you on September 21, 2010!