At class last night, someone made a comment about how summer yoga was different. She is so right.
On the mat we can explore how our body is different today. I am pretty sensitive to temperature changes, especially being cold. Moving from indoor air conditioning to outdoor heat is a reminder of that.
My own practice seems more aggressive and experimental in the summer. With more opportunities to hike and bike, I'm finding my hip flexors are tighter than ever! At the WRAC we are continuing to warm up with 5 Surya Namaskara A's and 5 B's. I like how strong that feels but caution everyone about strain to wrists and shoulders.
I love to practice outside and am so grateful to do Surya Namaskaras under the sun!
I'm working on Astavakrasana after watching my youngest son and my daughter-in-law (both yoga teachers) doing the pose in an impromptu late night yoga pose smack down!